Guess who's going to be a grandma? ME! Jordan and Mandy came to visit today and gave us a bib that says, "I love my grandma" and a loaf of Grandma Sycamore's bread with a piece of paper covering the "Sycamore's" that said "Potter's"! Mandy, Caroline and
I took the bib and bread to the high school where Alyssa was at volleyball practice. We showed her and her face lit up and she jumped up and down and screamed. I think she was a little excited. I know we're all a lot excited! I don't know if I can wait 8 months.
How exciting!!!! Congrats to you all!
To Caroline,
Hey Caroline! It's so cool that you get to be an aunt! I kind of wish I was.
Wait, doesn't this in some small warped way mean I too get to be kind of like a Grandma?? Just a little? Like a pretend Grandma? :)I am so happy for you all!!!
Jacob, we could fix this and officially make me family and related to this new baby if you will simply marry Jessica :)...she's offered many times to "help" me and Susan be related. Of course there is always the "Betrothed Ones" if you can't wait for her to get out of high school. :)*chuckle chuckle
Joseph, Kate is a little hottie :) and such a good girl. All the little ranch boys have carved her name in the trees but I keep reminding her of promises made looooooooooong ago to our favorite people the Potters.
This is fabulous news!!!! Congrats to you all!!
We love you and miss you all!!
Honorary Auntie/Pretend-Grandma Renee and Tribe of Beautiful and Somewhat Unruly Vikings
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